Retake of a Retake

Step One

This session is REQUIRED before being allowed to do a retake of a retake. You will come in to tutorials and complete an essay and assignment on any topics you missed on your first retake. The more you missed, the longer the assignment. Please indicate which assessment you're wanting to work on!

Step Two

Step Two: Retake of a retake once your activities and essay have been completed from step one. Please indicate WHICH retake you are wanting!

Practice DBQ

This is for PRACTICE ONLY on the DBQ. This will not be assessed/graded. This is for you to get some more practice in before May 15! Please arrive with at least 1 hour to do this in tutorials.

Practice LEQ

This is for PRACTICE ONLY on the LEQ. This will not be assessed/graded. This is for you to get some more practice in before May 15! Please arrive with at least 40 minutes to do this in tutorials.

1 on 1 Writing Discussion

Please make sure to have at least 1 essay you'd like to discuss that you can bring with you. This should only take 5 or so minutes in tutorials.

Reading Check 10

Reading Check 10: 1945-50 CE

Exam 10

Exam 10: 1933-63 CE

Reading Check 11

Reading Check 11: 1964-76

Exam 11

For corrections on exam 11: 1964-Present

Reading Check 10

Notes are REQUIRED (front and back sides) for the years 1945-50 CE if you made an 89 or below on the original reading check.

Exam 10

Notes are REQUIRED (front and back sides) for the years 1933-1963 if you made an 89 or below on the original exam.

Reading Check 11

Notes are REQUIRED (Front and back sides) for the years 1964-76 CE if you made an 89 or below on the original reading check.

Exam 11

Notes are REQUIRED (front and back pages) for the years 1964-Present if you made an 89 or below on the original exam.